(Above, screenshots of St. Patrick's Dragon in Age of Pyramids, St. Patrick's Dragon in Creatures of Olympus and finally, St. Patrick Lady and Man together in Egypt)
As of Friday, 17 March, St. Patrick's Day Creatures are available both in Egypt and Olympus. They are Creatures that veteran players may have from a previous year, but for new players, you may find the St. Patrick's Lady available as a special 24 hour promotion in both games and the St. Patrick's Man available in the Market, which means that you can obtain him through breeding as well. In Egypt, there is a new St. Patrick's Dragon Vizier Creature.
Age of Pyramids
St. Patrick's Man
Bred from Human and Jackal
Time: 2 days (have confirmed this myself!)
As of St. Patrick's Day, new:
On St. Patrick's Day 2017:
St. Patrick's Dragon
Bred from Crocodile and Serpent (silver elf)
Time: 2 Days
(would have to have a serpent in the mix!) .
Creatures of Olympus
St. Patrick's Man
Bred from Bull and Giant
Time: 2 days (Have confirmed myself. Note there are two OTHER Creatures in Olympus on Earth with a 2 day time in the form of Cyclops and Warrior Bear)
On St. Patrick's Day:
St. Patrick's Dragon
Bred from Bull and Eagle (hint from Frismos!)
Time: 2 days (I got him today!)
N.B. The St. Patrick's Dragon is a rather sweet green Creature who abides in the Nature Habitat and tosses shamrocks into the air periodically.
The following is a new creature but it appears to be a permanent addition to Hades:
Bred from Lion and Serpent
Time: 20 hours (courtesy of Aeriawyn)
Feeding your Creatures
This has nothing to do with St. Patrick's Day but I thought it would be amusing to share some photographs of the tremendous differences that can exist between a 'baby' Creature at Level 1 and a fully grown one at any Level from 4 up to 20, depending on the habitat or habitats of the Creature. Below are two screenshots of the most terrifying Creature in Egypt. His name is Shezmu and most players adore him. He scared me, frankly, and his size was a little off-putting as he towered over all the other Creatures... he is one of the Revive Creatures that you create using Tokens from Creatures you have sacrificed by literally sending them down the river in a boat. I did not revive him until now, partly because he frightened me and partly because I wished to save my Tokens for a possible seasonal creature. I finally caved, though and revived Shezmu... so here he is as a fledgling, newly sprung from his cradle and here he is at Level 10 as well, tossing his enormous scythes in the air.
Well, I have had my fun with the poor Creature. I suppose I ought to feed him and empower him!