A'nekh djet!
English: Live Forever!
Aw ibek! or Aw ibetj!
English: May your heart rejoice! (To a woman)
Dua Netjer en ek!
English: Thank you!
Literally: Thank God for you! (To a man)
Due Nejer en etj!
English: Thank you!
Literally: Thank God for you! (To a woman)
Em heset net Ra!
English: Be in the favour of Ra!
Em hotep!
English: In peace! or... With Peace!
A common Greeting similar to the modern Islamic 'Assalaamu aleikum' or 'Peace be with you'.
Em hotep nefer!
English: In great peace! or... With great peace!
Common greeting
Em hotep nefer weret!
English: In very great peace! or... With very great peace!
A common greeting
English: Greetings! Hello!
English: Welcome!
Nefer sedjmek!
English: May you hear only good things!
Common ending phrase in letters
Nefer sedjmetj
English: May you hear only good things! (to a woman)
Common ending phrase in letters
English: Farewell!
English: Hi!
Here is a good site about our Creatures, Gods, Goddesses and Demons of Ancient Egypt:
Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt