You will find comprehensive Breeding List of all Permanent Creatures in Egypt and in the Underground in Age of Pyramids on pages displayed as a tab above every post, but I thought it might be useful to have a page devoted strictly to the seasonal Creatures that are available only for a brief time in the game. They are listed as follows:
Promotional Creature
This is NOT Seasonal but rather is offered to all new players for a period that is limited to 24 hours.
Nut Skygod:
She is a Sand Creature but cannot be obtained through breeding
Cloning time: 2 days
Seasonal Creatures for 2016 and 2017
Seasonal for Halloween 2016
Breedable during this season:
Lycan of Giza
Bred from Jackal and Human
Breeding Time: 1 Day, 12 Hours
No longer active
Seasonal for Thanksgiving 2016
The Cursed Turkey
Bred from Cat and Hawk
Breeding Time: 1 Day
N.B. This is a Creature from last year, so times are known
No longer active
Bred from Serpent and Human
Breeding Time: 1 day, 19 hours
(Credit to Silver Elf for time)
No longer active
Christmas 2016
Reindeer God
Special 24 hour promotion
Jackal and Human
Clone in 1 day, 6 hours
No longer active
Bred from Jackal and Cat
Time: 24 hours
no longer active
Christmas Bear
Christmas Shuffle Creature
Clone in 1 day, 13 hours (Silver Elf)
Vizier Habitat
No longer active
Snow Mummy
Bred from Crocodile and Hawk
Time: 2 days
Lives in Sand Habitat
No longer active
Elfie Twinkle Toes
Bred from Cat and Human
Time: 1 day, 9 hours (I got her!)
No longer active
Seasonal Promotion for the New Year (2016-2017)
Snow Queen
Special Promotion
Cloning time: 1 day, 24 hours (I did it)
Sand Habitat
No longer active
New Year 2017
Ginger Bread Pharaoh
Bred from Cat and Human
Time: 2 days
No longer active
Seasonal St. Valentine's Day Creatures
Bred from Cat and Human
Time: 1 day
No longer available
Love Goddess
24 hour Promotion
Hawk and Human
Only can be cloned, not bred
Clone time: 2 days
No longer active
Vizier Sayidaltta
Bred from Cat and Crocodile, new information. Thank you, dear Shadowfish! (I got it with Jackal and Hawk originally but it seemed like a glitch at the time as it did not light up in the Almanac but I took it from the nursery and placed it nonetheless... never was able to breed another. Now I know why. Have confirmed Cat and Crocodile. It is in Freyashawk's nursery and the Almanac lit up this time.)
Time: 1 day, 11 hours
Vizier Habitat
No longer active
2016 and 2017 Revive Seasonals
Jackal King
Combination: Jackal and Hawk
Cloning time: ?
No longer active
New Year 2017 Revive Creature
At the 11th hour, as it were, a new Seasonal Creature was added to the Revive Pyramid in the form of the Vizier Reindeer. As the name suggests, he will abide in the Vizier Habitat. You will need the following to Revive him:
Vizier Reindeer
8 Grey Tokens
9 Purple Tokens
7 Green Tokens
8 Blue Tokens
5 Red Tokens
The process of revival will take 4 days.
Cloning time: 2 days, 6 hours (Silver Elf)
Monkey King
24 hour promotion
Bred from Jackal and Human
2 days
No longer active
St. Patrick's Day 2017 Seasonal Creatures
St. Patrick's Lady
Special 24 hour promotion
No longer active
St. Patrick's Man
Bred from Human and Jackal
Time: 2 days
No longer active
St. Patrick's Dragon
Bred from Crocodile and Serpent (silver elf)
Time: 2 Days
(would have to have a serpent in the mix!) .
No longer active!
Easter Seasonal Creatures 2017:
Bunny Goddess:
24 hour promotion
Jackal and Human
Clone time: 2 days
Bunny God
Bred from Cat and Human
Old time: 2 days (confirmed)
No longer active
Vizier Arnab
24 hour promotion
Vizier Habitat
Clone time: 1 day, 10 hours (Silver Elf)
No longer active
Gentle Sand Golem
Bred from: Lord of the Khemenu (Human/Hawk) and Sukhoapep (Crocodile/Snake) (This was how I got him.. Base is Human and Crocodile)
Time: 2 days
No longer active
Seasonal for May 2017
Bred from Cat and Human
Time: 1 day
Mother's Day 2017
Queen Vizier
24 hour promotion
Vizier Habitat
Clone time: 1 day, 14 hour changing instantly to 1 day, 13 hour
June 2017
Combination: Jackal and Hawk
Breed time: 2 days
Clone time: 2 days
Apis ordinarily is found in the Mystic Pyramid. He is in the Market temporarily as a Father's Day addition.
Vizier Habitat
24 hour promotion
Clone time: 2 days
July 2017
Uncle Sam
Vizier Habitat
Clone Time: 1 day
Seasonal Underground Creatures for 2016 and 2017
Seasonal for Halloween 2016
Bred from Ha and Scorpion
Breeding time: 2 days
No longer active
Egyptian Bat
Bred from Ha and Bennu
Breeding time: 1 day
No longer active
Seasonal for Thanksgiving 2016
Scorpion King
Bred from Ha and Scorpion
Breeding time: 1 Day, 22 Hours
(Credit to Silver Elf for Breeding time)
No longer active
Seasonal Underground Creature for Christmas 2016
Bred from Ha and Scorpion
Time: 1 day, 22 Hours
(any one see a trend here???)
No longer active
Seasonal Underground Creature for Lunar New Year 2017
Bred from Bennu and Scorpion
Time: 1 day, 5 hours . (Silver Elf)
No longer active
Seasonal for Christmas 2017:
1 day
Warning: Can be placed without problem in Jackal Habitat but will freeze Hawk Habitat currently
Yule Cat
Bred from Cat and Hawk
Time: 1 day
Bred from Jackal and Serpent in past; needs confirmation this season
Time: 1 Day
Bred from Jackal and Cat originally; needs confirmation this season
Time: 1 Day
Snow Mummy
Bred from Crocodile and Hawk last year, needs confirmation this season
Time: 2 Days
Sand Habitat
Why am I listing these? Sometimes, Frismos will release a Creature from the past and for the most part, the breeding information remains the same. There have been exceptions. 'For example, when the Snow Mummy reappeared this past Christmas, the actual breeding combination was completely different although the breeding time remained the same. I keep this here for historical interest as well as the possibility that the reappearance of a Creature from the past will be done with the same breeding combination and time.
These Creatures are linked to specific seasonal holidays such as Christmas, St. Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, Easter, Hallowe'en, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Lunar New Year. When in season, you can breed them but only if you can find them in the regular Market in the Creatures or 'New' section. When out of season, you can clone them if you have one at least.
The following is a list of Seasonal Creatures from the past. Some may appear again in the appropriate season but some may be forever lost to new players...
Combination: Cat and Human
Cloning time: 24 hours
Love Goddess:
Combination: Human and Hawk
Cloning time: 2 days
Love Cat:
Combination: Cat and Human
Cloning time: 2 days
St. Patrick Man
Combination: Jackal and Human
Cloning time: 2 days
St. Patrick Lady
Combination: Cat and Human
Cloning time: 2 days
Bunny God
Combination: Cat and Human
Cloning time: 2 days
Bunny Goddess:
Combination: Jackal and Human
Cloning time: 2 days
Combination: Human and Serpent
Cloning time: 18 hours
Pumpkin Mask
Combination: Jackal and Human
Cloning time: 10 hours
King Corn Fu
Combination: Human and Serpent
Cloning time: 18 hours
Combination: Jackal and Hawk
Cloning time: 24 hours
Cursed Turkey
Combination: Cat and Hawk
Cloning time: 24 hours
Snow Mummy:
Combination: Crocodile and Hawk (last year, evidently was Cat and Human)
Cloning time: 2 days
This is a Send Creature and must be placed in Sand Habitat
Combination: Jackal and Serpent
Cloning time: 24 hours
This is a Sand Creature and must be placed in Sand Habitat
Combination: Jackal and Cat
Cloning time: 24 hours
(Available in Market again for 2016)
Chinese Dragon:
Combination: Jackal and Serpent
Cloning time: 2 days
Monkey King
Combination: Jackal and Human
Cloning time: 2 days
Combination: Human and Hawk
Cloning time: 1 day, 12 hours
N.B. Horinama can be found in the Mystic Pyramid
Old Underground Seasonal Creatures
As with the 1st Kingdom, there are some old seasonal creatures for the Underground as well. These are the ones that were listed before I ever began to play the game.
Egyptian Bat:
Bred from Ha and Bennu
Breeding time: 1 day
No longer active
Bred from Scarab and Ha
Breeding time: 1 day
No longer active
Autumn 2017
So far, the following have been reissued and/or released:
Pumpkin Mask
Combination: Jackal and Human
Cloning time: 10 hours
King Corn Fu
Combination: Human and Serpent
Cloning time: 18 hours
Cursed Turkey
Combination: Cat and Hawk
Cloning time: 24 hours
Lycan of Giza
Bred from Jackal and Human
Breeding Time: 1 Day, 12 Hours
Monkey King
Combination: Jackal and Human
Breeding time: 2 days
Bred from Jackal and Hawk
Time: 1 day
Jackal King:
Bred from Jackal and Hawk
Time: 2 days (Thanks, Aeriawyn!)
Bred from Serpent and Crocodile
Price: 1 Diamond
Bred from Scorpion and Serpopard
Time: 2 days, 13 hours (Ghost Catticus)
Bred from Scarab and Ha
Breeding time: 1 day
Scorpion King
Bred from Ha and Scorpion
Time: 1 day, 22 hours