(Christmas Dragon in Hades in Creatures of Olympus)
I would like to wish all players a very happy Holiday season, a Happy Christmas and New Year!
You will find separate pages above every post that provide breeding information for ALL Creatures both in Egypt and in Creatures of Olympus. There is a separate tab for each. Seasonal Creatures are included but I thought for easy access, I would list the Seasonal Creatures for 2016 Christmas here as well both for Age of Pyramids and Creatures of Olympus. As of Wednesday, 28 December, I finally was able to breed the Christmas Dragon in Hades in Creatures of Olympus, thanks in part to a hint by Helen from Frismos.
New Year 2017
At the 11th hour, as it were, a new Seasonal Creature has been added to the Revive Pyramid in the form of the Vizier Reindeer. As the name suggests, he will abide in the Vizier Habitat. You will need the following to Revive him:
Vizier Reindeer
8 Grey Tokens
9 Purple Tokens
7 Green Tokens
8 Blue Tokens
5 Red Tokens
The process of revival will take 4 days. I believe the cloning time is 2 days, 6 hours but need to confirm this.
New Year 2017
At the 11th hour, as it were, a new Seasonal Creature has been added to the Revive Pyramid in the form of the Vizier Reindeer. As the name suggests, he will abide in the Vizier Habitat. You will need the following to Revive him:
Vizier Reindeer
8 Grey Tokens
9 Purple Tokens
7 Green Tokens
8 Blue Tokens
5 Red Tokens
The process of revival will take 4 days. I believe the cloning time is 2 days, 6 hours but need to confirm this.
Seasonal for Christmas 2016
Reindeer God
Special 24 hour promotion
Jackal and Human
Clone in 1 day (?) (I did it but did not write time down immediately)
Bred from Jackal and Cat
Time: 24 hours
Christmas Bear
Christmas Shuffle Creature
Clone in 1 day, 13 hours (Silver Elf)
Vizier Habitat
Snow Mummy
Bred from Crocodile and Hawk (no longer Cat and Human, last year's combination!)
Time: 2 days
Lives in Sand Habitat
Elfie Twinkle Toes
Bred from Cat and Human
Time: 1 day, 9 hours (I got her!)
New Year Egypt Promotion
Snow Queen
Special 24 hour Promotion
Clone time: 1 day, 24 hours (I got her!)
Sand Habitat
New Year Egypt Promotion
Snow Queen
Special 24 hour Promotion
Clone time: 1 day, 24 hours (I got her!)
Sand Habitat
Twelfth Night 2017
The Ginger Bread Pharaoh was added to the Market on 6 January, the Feast of Twelfth Night or Epiphany. In a past year, it had a chamber in the Mystic Pyramid but now is in the regular Market as a Seasonal offering. I now can myself confirm all information from the past remains valid:
Ginger Bread Pharaoh
Combination: Cat and Human
Time: 2 days (I have him!)
Underground Creature
Bred from Ha and Scorpion
Breeding time: 1 day, 22 Hours . (I have him!)
Here are the Breeds and times for Creatures of Olympus Christmas Season:
Here are the Breeds and times for Creatures of Olympus Christmas Season:
Christmas 2016
Glacial Titan
24 hour promotion
Clone Time: 2 days
Titan Habitat
Bred from Goat and Giant
Breeding Time: 1 day, 23 hours (I can confirm this!)
Goat or Giant Habitats
Christmas Bear
Christmas Shuffle
Clone Time: 1 day, 15 hours
Nature Habitat
Christmas Warrior
Christmas Shuffle
Clone time: 2 days
Royal Habitat
Christmas Yeti
Christmas Shuffle
Clone in 2 days, 7 hours
Titan Habitat
Christmas Tree
Bred from Horse and Bull
Time: 1 day, 7 hours
Christmas Angel
Special Promotion
Clone time: 2 days, 5 hours
Royal Habitat
New Year Promotion
Snow Fairy
Special Promotion
Clone in 2 days (I did it)
Royal Habitat
Twelfth Night 2017
Santa Claus
Bred from Bull and Giant (old combination was Goat and Giant)
2 days (I can confirm this now!)
Hades Habitat Christmas Creatures 2016
Christmas Dragon
Bred from Lion and Bird
Time: 1 day, 21 hours . (Thanks to Helen at Frismos for hint that Lion was one of the creatures!)
Dragon Habitat
Glacial Titan
24 hour promotion
Clone Time: 2 days
Titan Habitat
Bred from Goat and Giant
Breeding Time: 1 day, 23 hours (I can confirm this!)
Goat or Giant Habitats
Christmas Bear
Christmas Shuffle
Clone Time: 1 day, 15 hours
Nature Habitat
Christmas Warrior
Christmas Shuffle
Clone time: 2 days
Royal Habitat
Christmas Yeti
Christmas Shuffle
Clone in 2 days, 7 hours
Titan Habitat
Christmas Tree
Bred from Horse and Bull
Time: 1 day, 7 hours
Christmas Angel
Special Promotion
Clone time: 2 days, 5 hours
Royal Habitat
New Year Promotion
Snow Fairy
Special Promotion
Clone in 2 days (I did it)
Royal Habitat
Twelfth Night 2017
Santa Claus
Bred from Bull and Giant (old combination was Goat and Giant)
2 days (I can confirm this now!)
Christmas Dragon
Bred from Lion and Bird
Time: 1 day, 21 hours . (Thanks to Helen at Frismos for hint that Lion was one of the creatures!)
Dragon Habitat
Water Habitat Christmas Creatures 2016
Santa Campus
Bred from Octopus and Crayfish
Time: 1 day, 2 hours (I got him)
Monster Habitat